Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Taylor

Miss Wooldridge

Welcome to Year 2



Welcome back everyone! We hope you have all had a fantastic Summer break and are ready to jump back in to the new school year!

The Year 2 Team

Mrs McCallum - Monday to Thursday

Mrs Taylor - Friday

Mrs Hayes will be supporting our class every day.


Our PE days are Monday and Friday.

We are asking you to send your child's PE kit (and trainers) to school in a named bag- these will be kept in the cloakroom and sent home every half term to be washed. Our PE kits will be used for both Monday and Friday PE lessons and weather dependent, we will always try to get outside!

If your child participates in an afterschool sports club, they will be changing in school so should come to school wearing their school uniform.

Our school P.E kit - we wear navy shorts, a blue school t-shirt and trainers or pumps. In the winter, we wear a navy blue tracksuit. Earrings and watches should be removed for PE. We have attached a picture of our PE shirt in the files section below as a reminder. Please be aware that if you are sending your child/ren in trainers with laces, they need to be able to re-tie them independently. Andy earings will need to be removed/ taped up for PE


Homework will be set on Fridays and will be expected to be returned on the following Wednesday unless otherwise discussed. RWI books, reading diaries and other school reading books should be returned on a Thursday and will be swapped in school for new ones. Please note - reading diaries will be checked one per week.




Take a look at our Class Charter...


Files to Download

The Stable Hoedown (Vocal).mp3 Three Wise Men (Vocal).mp3 Clip-Clop Little Donkey (Vocal).mp3 Christmas Is For You (Vocal).mp3 If You Think You're Not Important (Vocal).mp3 Prickly Hay (Vocal).mp3 Mary's Lullaby (Vocal).mp3 Working In A Stable (Vocal).mp3

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Mickle Trafford Village School

School Lane Mickle Trafford Cheshire CH2 4EF

T: 01244 506480 Office Contact Nicole McNally

E: [email protected]

Main Contact:
Headteacher - Mrs Wendy Lyon

Newsletter Signup

Open Day

We will be holding an Open Day for prospective parents with children starting in Reception in September 2025 on Tuesday 8th October 2024. Please feel free to attend between 9.30am - 11am or 4pm - 6.45pm. No booking is required. We can also offer a time between 9-12pm on Saturday 9th November, by appointment only. We look forward to meeting you then.