
Children cannot learn or achieve if they are absent from school.


School day arrangements

EYFS and KS1

Gates open at 8.30am

Doors open at 8.40am

Gates close at 8.45am

Any child arriving after these time will need to go to the main office to sign in

Gates open 3.15pm


Gates open at 8.40am

Gates close at 8.45am

Any child arriving after these time will need to go to the main office to sign in

Gates open 3.15pm

Please remember any child may enter through the Infant gate to ease drop off.


Tennis Court parking and One-way system

Please can we remind all our parents that parking is available at Hoole Lawn Tennis Club, further down School Lane but within walking distance to our school. Please park considerably if you are parking on School Lane; avoid blocking drives, parking opposite an already parked vehicle and in yellow boxes. 

Also remember you can enter school via any gate for example if you are using the tennis gate you can enter school through a gate onto our field; if your child is in Rec or Y1 you can follow the path through the Key Stage 2 playground and join School Lane to the Key Stage 1 gate.


Any child who arrives after the gates are closed must enter the school by the main entrance and report to the school office to sign in. If pupils are not in class when the register is taken, they will be coded as ‘L’. Any late arrivals after 9.20 am will be coded as ‘U’ which is an unauthorised absence for that session.

In accordance with the ‘Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006’, if your child arrives after the registers close, they will receive a mark, code U, that shows them to be on site, but this will not count as a present mark and it will mean they have an unauthorised absence. This may mean that you could face the possibility of a Fixed Penalty Notice or other legal action if the problem persists.

Children who are consistently late for school are disrupting not only their own education, but also that of other children. Where persistent lateness gives cause for concern, you will be invited to a meeting to resolve the issues.  If there is no improvement following this meeting, further action will be taken which may include referral to external agencies.

You may approach the school at any time for support and advice if you are having difficulty getting your child to school on time or maintaining regular attendance. As a school, we acknowledge that for children experiencing trauma or have SEND the busy beginning and end of the day can be challenging.  To ensure the inclusion of every child the headteacher will seek support from specialist services and make adaptations to the beginning and end of the school day according to a child’s unique needs.


The table below sets out the attendance targets and at what stage parents/carers will be contacted about their child’s attendance.


Files to Download

Mickle Trafford Village School

School Lane Mickle Trafford Cheshire CH2 4EF

T: 01244 506480 Office Contact Nicole McNally

E: [email protected]

Main Contact:
Headteacher - Mrs Wendy Lyon

Newsletter Signup

Open Day

We will be holding an Open Day for prospective parents with children starting in Reception in September 2025 on Tuesday 8th October 2024. Please feel free to attend between 9.30am - 11am or 4pm - 6.45pm. No booking is required. We can also offer a time between 9-12pm on Saturday 9th November, by appointment only. We look forward to meeting you then.