

At Mickle Trafford Village School, the well-being and health and safety of every child is our top priority. We expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils.

We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. All school staff are trained in Safeguarding and Child Protection, and children are made aware of the adults they can talk to if they have any concerns. Staff are trained to look out for signs of physical/emotional harm or neglect and are required to report these to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

The procedures we follow have been laid down by the Cheshire West and Chester Safeguarding Team and the school has adopted a Child Protection Policy in line with this, for the safety of all. 

We are an Operation Encompass school.  Operation Encompass provides school with critical information, through a notification for a child who have witnessed/experienced a domestic abuse incident in their family.  More information can be found on the following link:

On rare occasions our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies. We will ensure that all concerns are discussed with parent/carers first, before any referrals are made, unless we believe that such a move may be contrary to a child’s welfare.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Mrs Wendy Lyon (Headteacher)

Deputy Safeguarding Leads

  • Mrs Julie Cox and Mr Matias Hutchison

Safeguarding Governor

  • Mrs Linda Peate

If you require any further information please contact us via the school office. 


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Mickle Trafford Village School

School Lane Mickle Trafford Cheshire CH2 4EF

T: 01244 506480 Office Contact Nicole McNally

E: [email protected]

Main Contact:
Headteacher - Mrs Wendy Lyon

Newsletter Signup

Open Day

We will be holding an Open Day for prospective parents with children starting in Reception in September 2025 on Tuesday 8th October 2024. Please feel free to attend between 9.30am - 11am or 4pm - 6.45pm. No booking is required. We can also offer a time between 9-12pm on Saturday 9th November, by appointment only. We look forward to meeting you then.